Let's Explore The Era Of CRISPR Technology!!

Let’s explore to get a glimpse of how GENE-EDITING can change the world!!

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat)

Have you ever wondered about Genetic engineering?

You might have watched films based on Gene-modifications and felt excited about this.

So, you all are welcome to explore the world  of CRISPR tech.

What is CRISPR technology?

CRISPR is a revolutionary gene-editing genetic engineering technology which can be used to change DNA sequences and perform genome modifications. CRISPR technology was discovered by Emmanuelle Carpentier and Jennifer Doudna. They were the first women to be awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry to celebrate this groundbreaking technology.👏

CRISPR is a short form of CRISPR-Cas9. CRISPRs are strands of DNA. The protein Cas9 is an enzyme that is capable of cutting the strands of DNA like a scissor. This CRISPR technology was discovered based on the defense mechanism used by Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea). These organisms use CRISPR-derived RNA and Cas proteins like Cas9 to defeat the viral invasion by destroying the genome of the virus.

First of all, let’s see what are Genes?

Genes are basic functional unit of heredity which passes instructions on how to build and maintain an organism’s cells.

A change in the sequence of a gene can affect the biology of the cell and even can affect the organisms.

Can CRISPR save the world?👀

This emerging technology provides many applications across various industries like Bioscience, Agriculture and Medicine.

  • Researchers under food production have discovered that CRISPR sequences enabled Streptococcus thermophiles (Bacteria used to produce fermented dairy products) with immunity against viral attack. 
  • Scientists have discovered to make high precise changes in the genes of organisms such as mice, cattle, plants and even human cells.

CRISPR technology is also used for new cancer therapies and even cures inherited diseases. Though we have come across the pros about this emerging technology there are restrictions and cons regarding this genetic technology.

Although CRISPR- edited cell therapy is possible, the long term effects are still need to be considered. Genome-editing on healthy embryos of human may lead to mutations. Hence, human genome-editing is banned by laws and regulations.

To conclude, though there are some complications, CRISPR genetic engineering technology is indeed an emerging technology in today’s world.

The Future holds something great about this CRISPR technology.


Can CRISPR protect the future without causing complications?

Can genetic engineering  be a powerful tool to build a community of advanced knowledge?

Can this technology be used to alter the human race?

Please convey your views on CRISPR tech below in the comment section. 



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